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Thread: Dr_Tran's tickets and related comments

  1. #561
    Join Date
    VL giờ đây giống như hoa sơn luyện kiếm, tập trung hầu hết các cao thủ từ Xca, MB,...nhưng không hề bị firewall, lượng đọc giả từ VN vào đây dọc bài không ít! Công này phải nói từ Dr. Tran, dân VN trong nước đa số không quan tâm chính trị, nhưng cơm áo gạo tiền th́ họ rất đang quan tâm, đặc biệt trong những hoàn cảnh kinh tế thế giới và VN đang lâm vào t́nh thế hết sức khó khăn như hiện nay, Dr. Tran, tôi có lời khen cho ông, ông đă đi đúng hướng đó là đánh vào cái bao tử của thiên hạ, nhờ cái phong trào đánh kinh tế và HP7 của ông nên tôi thấy các trang web trái phải hiện nay đang ăn theo, đang rất nhiều tin về kinh tế so với thời thịnh vượng của Xca, MB.

    Tại sao rất nhiều người vẫn có thái độ khó chịu khi nghe những lời nói trái tại, không tốt đẹp hào hoa, phải chăng nhân loại đang bị ru ngũ bởi những lời hoa mỹ, nhưng thứ lịch sự hào nhoán bên ngoài mà không quan tâm đến bản chất nội dung bên trong. Đây là mạng ảo, đâu ai biết ai, việc ǵ tại sao mọi người không thoải mái nói ra các suy nghĩ của ḿnh, cho dù điên rồ, viễn tưởng, không phù hợp hiện tại nhưng phản ánh đến cuộc sống hiện tại hoặc nói lên ước vọng tương lai của con người th́ tại sao lại không làm?

  2. #562
    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleaf View Post
    Hello collection!
    Thank you for your informative posts. You sound a little reasoning like hai lua, and a little affectionate like ong gia. But I don't remember who you are. I read MB almost everyday then. Also I don't think you are Chiphe.
    Dr. Tran has become a phenomenon ever since. Wherever he goes he stirs it up, having a lot of fanatic fans. Of course there are people who don't believe him too. They fought him quite hard. Sometimes he got so mad that he labelled them CAM without any justifications.
    So far admins of x-cafe and Vietland are his victims. :)

    He is both good and evil, whether intentionally or not. There is no denying that he posseses quite a lot of knowledge. I like the way he writes too. he writes graciously in both English and Vietnamese. When he is mad, however, his language becomes hideous. :)

    I still believe he is a good person, just too arrogant he is though. I hope he could cool down a bit and focus on doing what he believes, and should not drag himself into stupid troubles like insulting nails people, labelling forum's admin CAM....

    I miss MB where I enjoyed discussions, debates, information... in such a good manner. My favorite is KQD. Not smart as Dr Tran, or HH, but he is cool and calm. He knows the insides of VN very well. He could be a leader in the future when the wind of change blows to Vietnam.

    Take care

    Dear MapleLeaf
    I’m very glad to see you here, and I am not Hai Lua or oldman…ha ha…
    Chiphe? Eh… he is quite a high economic capital…. I'm a normal person !
    After leaving MB, we have many people of delighted friends and we used to meet to discuss who can confirm that we really do it, every time, discreetly, effectively, safely and in style.
    If these, or anything similar, interests you, then you're hardly alone; there are very much Vietnamese dreaming of things like this, but who have yet to take that first little step to turn their fantasy into reality.
    It doesn't have to be an impossible dream. You really can be any of those, and many other roles too…
    (about Dr Tran ? I don’t want to say him anymore…)
    Writing a few lines…. have fun!

  3. #563
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Northeast US

    Because, I have HIGHER STANDARDS.

    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleaf View Post
    Hello collection!
    Thank you for your informative posts. You sound a little reasoning like hai lua, and a little affectionate like ong gia. But I don't remember who you are. I read MB almost everyday then. Also I don't think you are Chiphe.
    Dr. Tran has become a phenomenon ever since. Wherever he goes he stirs it up, having a lot of fanatic fans. Of course there are people who don't believe him too. They fought him quite hard. Sometimes he got so mad that he labelled them CAM without any justifications.
    So far admins of x-cafe and Vietland are his victims. :)

    He is both good and evil, whether intentionally or not. There is no denying that he posseses quite a lot of knowledge. I like the way he writes too. he writes graciously in both English and Vietnamese. When he is mad, however, his language becomes hideous. :)

    I still believe he is a good person, just too arrogant he is though. I hope he could cool down a bit and focus on doing what he believes, and should not drag himself into stupid troubles like insulting nails people, labelling forum's admin CAM....

    I miss MB where I enjoyed discussions, debates, information... in such a good manner. My favorite is KQD. Not smart as Dr Tran, or HH, but he is cool and calm. He knows the insides of VN very well. He could be a leader in the future when the wind of change blows to Vietnam.

    Take care
    I just have higher standards than most people, that's all.

    Many people like my writings because they are easy to read, have very few, if any, spelling mistakes, etc.

    Let me tell you this, it's not coincidental, or easy to do.

    When I left VN in mid 1980s, I was half way through 8th grade.


    My first 3 months at Minh Bien, I wrote all in English, making many readers mad.

    But frankly, then, I had forgotten most of Vietnamese words, for not having used them for the previous 23 yrs.

    But then my Vietnamese improved, because I spent a lot of time reading Vietnamese voraciously, paying attention to spelling, grammar.

    After about 2 yrs, my writings were better than most Vietnamese who had been writing in Vietnamese all their life.



    Very simple: I have higher standards than them. Sometimes I was already in bed, but I thought I spelled a single word wrong, I came back to the computer just to change a singe ? or ~.

    That's me: HIGHER STANDARDS.

    Other people say: It's okay to bribe policemen and customs people at the airport.

    I say: No, nope, zip. Not a cent. They could arrest me, put me in prison, but I will not give them a cent.


    Other people say: It's okay to pick up dirt from everyone's feet for $5 a foot.

    I say: No, nope, zip. Not for a million dollars. I could eat grass and die, but I will not do that for a million bucks.

    I am no better, I am just different from most of the rest of the folks.

    Because, I have HIGHER STANDARDS.

    Is it too hard to understand?

  4. #564
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    Is it too hard to understand?

    No, not hard at all, these lousy pig heads do understand you very well that explains why they bám mông you everywhere haha

  5. #565
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SocTrang View Post
    Is it too hard to understand?

    No, not hard at all, these lousy pig heads do understand you very well that explains why they bám mông you everywhere haha
    I am sure they will follow me to TGVN, but over there Admins allow me a lot more power than here.

    I could block, ban (kill nick of) anyone posting in my topic, without the need to explain. Or ask Admin to, which I prefer to do.

    But usually Admins were faster than me, they removed posts, banned nick, before I even asked.

    Because over there they make money from advertisement, so they don't need to rely on donations.


    VL needs money from GHH, JNguyenCali. Now you see huge conflict of interest.

    We live in a capitalist country, I have no problems to see Admins there make money from my topic.

    Someday they could even sell my postings exclusively to the media for many million dollars, if and when there is a political, economic upheaval in VN, caused by my group. Fine with me.

    There are currently 845 viewers, 167,974 in less than 2 months.

    Yesterday when gold shot up, there were over 1200 viewers, making a record ever:

    "Số người ghé thăm nhiều nhất là 5,112 người, vào ngày hôm qua lúc 01:23 AM."

    The rest will be history. My own website will be operational next week.

  6. #566
    Pretty Woman

    Ty phu

    " Hy vọng 3 năm qua Pretty Woman làm ăn khá, chứ đa số người tôi biết đều te tua chuyện làm ăn"

    Cám ơn bác ! Tôi học lóm các cao nhân mỗi người 1 ít , thời gian qua tôi khép ḿnh, không ham hố chuyện ăn to nói lớn,không chạy theo chứng khoán, BĐS.. kinh doanh trong khả năng kiểm soát nên mọi chuyện đến với tôi không tệ

    Quote Originally Posted by Collection View Post

    PW có lẽ thắc mắc Collection là ai th́ vài gợi ư :
    _c̣n nhớ câu " In God We Trust " ?

    Gợi ư của bác kèm với những loại trừ ở các post trên , tôi nghĩ bác là Tỷ Phú Không Tiền bên Lamgiauvn ? nếu không đúng mong bác gợi ư thêm !!!

  7. #567
    Administrator Thương Dân's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Tran View Post
    We live in a capitalist country, I have no problems to see Admins there make money from my topic.

    Someday they could even sell my postings exclusively to the media for many million dollars, if and when there is a political, economic upheaval in VN, caused by my group. Fine with me.

    There are currently 845 viewers, 167,974 in less than 2 months.

    Yesterday when gold shot up, there were over 1200 viewers, making a record ever:

    "Số người ghé thăm nhiều nhất là 5,112 người, vào ngày hôm qua lúc 01:23 AM."

    The rest will be history. My own website will be operational next week.
    Tôi nghĩ chỉ có demonstration mới có thể làm các bạn hiểu là không nên dựa vào con số online để đánh giá mức độ đông khách của một trang web.

    Tôi sẽ làm cho con số online tăng lên temporarily để các bạn thấy.

  8. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Tran View Post
    I am sure they will follow me to TGVN, but over there Admins allow me a lot more power than here.
    Đă thấy nick MiniMe bên TGNV rồi. Chả biết có phải MiniMe của vietland sang không nữa.

  9. #569
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by peak View Post
    Đă thấy nick MiniMe bên TGNV rồi. Chả biết có phải MiniMe của vietland sang không nữa.
    Chắc chắng MiniMe từ VL qua đấy, vậy anh Peak có qua đó vạch mặt không à ? Tớ thấy VC sao mà nhiều quá nhệ.

    Tớ mới vào thớt bên hẻm vắng có báo cáo với anh Peak có một người khác trên đây cũng khả nghi lắm đấy

  10. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacVanThang View Post
    Chắc chắng MiniMe từ VL qua đấy, vậy anh Peak có qua đó vạch mặt không à ? Tớ thấy VC sao mà nhiều quá nhệ.

    Tớ mới vào thớt bên hẻm vắng có báo cáo với anh Peak có một người khác trên đây cũng khả nghi lắm đấy
    Cố gắng viết đúng chính tả Việt ngữ nhé, trước khi có thể nhận được sự tôn trọng tối thiểu từ người khác.

    Lời nói từ MiniMe c̣n có chút đáng tin hơn MacVanThang, hạng to mồm thích nói leo, nói thay người khác.

    "Hẻm vắng" ế khách quá nên phải qua đây quảng cáo um sùm cả lên thế à ? ----- TQ xóa------
    Last edited by Thanh Quang; 29-10-2011 at 10:06 AM. Reason: Xóa câu nói tấn công

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