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Thread: T̀M HIỂU VỀ Tranh luận bầu cử ( Debate ) ở Mỹ và kết quả các cuộc tranh luận 2012

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Lăo Fat,
    This is just a list of events with insertion of NOTES of mine.

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by FutureIsSoBright View Post
    Lăo Fat,
    This is just a list of events with insertion of NOTES of mine.
    Meaning that you inserted your own notes into an article written by someone else. Where is the link to that article? If you don't have the link, indicate where the main article came from (e.g. The Economist issue xyz). The way you presented your article, readers will be misled into thinking that the entire article is written by you. To be truthful, you should have clarified either at the top or at the bottom of your post that the notes belong to you and that the remaining info belongs to somebody else (e.g. Mr abc from the The Economist issue xyz.)

  3. #213
    Member Tigon's Avatar
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    From sidelines, debate moderator Crowley becomes part of story

    2nd Presidential Debate 2012 Candy Crowley Reins In Obama, Romney

    HEMPSTEAD, New York (Reuters) - As in pro football this season, many of the noisiest complaints after political debates have been directed not at the participants, but at the referees.

    Tuesday's debate between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney was no exception, as moderator Candy Crowley of CNN came under fire for siding with Obama during one of his sharpest exchanges with Romney.

    In that moment, Crowley walked into the middle of a national security controversy and contravened the wishes of both presidential campaigns that she remain largely a spectator in the second presidential debate.

    After Romney said that it took Obama 14 days to call the attack that killed four Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, an act of "terror," Obama cited remarks he made in the White House Rose Garden on September 12, the day after the attack. The president said he had mentioned terrorism in recounting the attack.

    "Get the transcript," Obama told Romney.

    "He did call it an act of terror," Crowley said, siding with Obama's interpretation.

    On CNN after the debate, Crowley said her comment "was the natural thing that came out of me."

    Romney supporters at the debate were irate.

    "Candy was wrong, and Candy had no business doing that, and Candy didn't even keep the (candidates' speaking) time right," said former New Hampshire governor John Sununu, one of Romney's most boisterous supporters.

    Other Republicans chimed in with criticism of Crowley.

    "At different times tonight, she in fact got into the game, and she wasn't on the sidelines," said Ron Kaufman, a senior adviser to Romney.


    The jibes about Crowley's comment on Libya came after both campaigns expressed anxiety over how active a role she would take in the debate, which featured undecided voters asking the candidates questions in a "town hall" format.

    The idea was to allow Obama and Romney to directly address voters' concerns and engage one another in the second of three debates the pair will have before the November 6 election.

    Both sides said they feared that Crowley would take too firm a hand, overshadowing the audience members picked to ask questions.

    A copy of the campaigns' agreement over the debate's terms was leaked to Time magazine on Monday.

    The memorandum, to which Crowley did not personally consent, stated that the moderator would not ask follow-up questions. The agreement did allow Crowley to select which questions, written by the undecided voters attending the debate, would be asked.

    Harsh criticism of the debate moderator followed the first presidential debate, too.

    After that debate, in Denver on October 3, Obama's supporters complained that moderator Jim Lehrer of PBS had been too passive and was overrun by an aggressive Romney.

    At one point during Tuesday's debate, Crowley appeared to admit that she did not want to get the same treatment as Lehrer, saying that might "get run of town" if she didn't force the two candidates to move onto another question.

    She may have had more than Lehrer's reviews in mind.

    Last month, Carole Simpson, the first woman to moderate a presidential debate in 1992, wrote in an op-ed column that her role at a town hall forum 20 years ago was whittled down to being "the lady with the microphone," prevented from asking questions of her own.

    Not all Romney hands saw value in Republicans leveling attacks on the moderator.

    "I don't complain about the refs," said campaign senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom. "I think Candy was dandy."

    (Additional reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by David Lindsey and Eric Walsh)

    * candy crowley was and is in the tank for obama, everyone knows that... she had no business interjecting herself in the debate last nite, her job was moderator, not debater... it's a shame that the liberal media wants to win this election for Obama...

    MrMRS56 46 minutes ago

  4. #214
    Member Truc Vo's Avatar
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    Tṛ mị dân rẽ tiền của liên danh đảng Cọng Hoà

    Ứng viên phó Tổng thống Ryan rửa "một số bát đĩa sạch" cho người vô gia cư trong 1 khu phát chẩn đồ ăn ở Youngstown, Ohio.
    CBS News đưa tin:
    GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan stopped at a soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio on Saturday, where he and members of his family washed dishes for several minutes. The head of the charity has since come out saying Ryan's visit violated the organization's apolitical status, and that Ryan "just came in here to get his picture taken."
    Xin tạm dịch:
    GOP ứng cử viên phó tổng thống Paul Ryan dừng lại ở một nhà bếp súp gà ở Youngstown, Ohio ngày Thứ bảy, nơi ông và các thành viên của gia đ́nh ḿnh rửa bát trong vài phút. Người đứng đầu tổ chức từ thiện, đă không có mặt tại chổ, nói rằng chuyến thăm của Ryan vi phạm t́nh trạng phi chính trị của tổ chức, và Ryan "chỉ đến đây để được chụp h́nh."
    Xin xem video và bản tin ở đây:
    hay ở đây:
    Trong cuộc tranh luận lần II, Tổng Thống Barack Obama đă nói 1 câu nghe "đă" làm sao: “kế hoạch 5 điểm của Romney là chỉ có 1 điểm, đó là giúp người giàu.” Chỉ lo bênh vực quyền lợi cho người giàu mà bày đặt dàn cảnh đi rửa chén cho những người vô gia cư: đúng là 1 tṛ mị dân rẽ tiền!

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by FatDuck View Post
    Meaning that you inserted your own notes into an article written by someone else. Where is the link to that article? If you don't have the link, indicate where the main article came from (e.g. The Economist issue xyz). The way you presented your article, readers will be misled into thinking that the entire article is written by you. To be truthful, you should have clarified either at the top or at the bottom of your post that the notes belong to you and that the remaining info belongs to somebody else (e.g. Mr abc from the The Economist issue xyz.)
    Lăo Fat,

    FYI, those dates and events were what I heard from radio reported by different people, and different dates. Would you like to have the radio station phone number for your own verification?

  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by FatDuck View Post
    Meaning that you inserted your own notes into an article written by someone else. Where is the link to that article? If you don't have the link, indicate where the main article came from (e.g. The Economist issue xyz). The way you presented your article, readers will be misled into thinking that the entire article is written by you. To be truthful, you should have clarified either at the top or at the bottom of your post that the notes belong to you and that the remaining info belongs to somebody else (e.g. Mr abc from the The Economist issue xyz.)
    You can't differentiate between an article and list of events. Can tell the difference between cooked soup and its raw recipe materials?

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truc Vo View Post
    Ứng viên phó Tổng thống Ryan rửa "một số bát đĩa sạch" cho người vô gia cư trong 1 khu phát chẩn đồ ăn ở Youngstown, Ohio.
    CBS News đưa tin:
    GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan stopped at a soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio on Saturday, where he and members of his family washed dishes for several minutes. The head of the charity has since come out saying Ryan's visit violated the organization's apolitical status, and that Ryan "just came in here to get his picture taken."
    Ryan and his team didn't notify the director of soup kitchen in advance, they just barged in without permission after the kitchen was closed.


    Paul Ryan = hypocrite.

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by FutureIsSoBright View Post
    Lăo Fat,

    FYI, those dates and events were what I heard from radio reported by different people, and different dates. Would you like to have the radio station phone number for your own verification?
    Your words above serve as an admission that your claim about the Abraham and Doughlas (sic) debate was completely false. If the claim was from somebody else on some radio station, you should annotate that. Don't take credit for something that you have nothing to do with.

    Quote Originally Posted by FutureIsSoBright View Post
    You can't differentiate between an article and list of events. Can tell the difference between cooked soup and its raw recipe materials?
    No where on your post that you declared the notes were yours and that you inserted them into an article written by somebody else. It's about the writer's integrity or lack thereof (in this case).The question here is: Do you have the integrity to list the source and inform readers that historical data in the article were not provided by you? Therefore, your analogy to the soup materials is irrelevant.

  9. #219
    Member Tigon's Avatar
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    Trở lại 1 ngày trước 2nd Debate :

    President Obama preps for debate while Romney in Ohio

    ORTSMOUTH, Ohio — Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan went back to school on Saturday to rally college students in all corners of all-important Ohio and hammer at President Barack Obama for going easy on China over unfair trade practices. Obama took precious time off the campaign trail to practice for the next debate against his GOP rival.

    It was an unspoken acknowledgment of the importance that Obama attaches to upping his game in Debate No.2 that the president is largely dropping out of sight for five straight days in the final weeks of the race to prepare for Tuesday's encounter in Hempstead, N .Y.

    Even while cloistered for debate prep at a sprawling resort in Williamsburg, Va., though, the president didn't completely cede the spotlight to Romney. His weekly radio and Internet address highlighted the Obama administration's work to revive the U.S. auto industry -- a message aimed squarely at working-class voters in manufacturing-heavy states like Ohio.

    Romney, for his part, told a crowd of more than 3,000 people at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth that Obama was ducking an important decision on whether China is manipulating its currency to gain a trade advantage. A decision was due on Monday, but the Treasury Department said Friday the decision won't come until after global finance officials meet in early November. That means a decision is unlikely before the Nov. 6 election.

    "It's time for us to stand up to China for their cheating," Romney declared. "It's got to stop."

    Romney framed the issue squarely as a matter of jobs, saying cheap Chinese products were driving American companies out of business.

    "We've got to get those jobs back and make trade to be fair," Romney declared.

    Ryan, too, criticized the administration for failing to hold China accountable for its trade practices. During a morning appearance in northeastern Ohio at Youngstown State University, he told a crowd of about 1,400 that his hometown of Janesville, Wis., was much like theirs -- a "blue-collar, factory town" where the struggles of the auto industry hit home hard.

    Ryan said the president had led the country toward a higher national debt, steeper taxes and insufficient job growth.

    "We can't keep going down this path," he said. "We can't keep accepting this is the new normal."

    The Wisconsin congressman then hopscotched to Bowling Green State University, in the northwestern part of the state, where he grabbed a bratwurst with mustard at the college Republicans' tailgate party before the school's football team took on his alma mater, Miami (Ohio) University.

    The Obama campaign dismissed the Republicans' tough talk on China as nothing more than talk.

    "Mitt Romney will never crack down on China's cheating -- just look at his record," Obama campaign spokesman Danny Kanner said in a statement. He said Romney had opposed Obama administration efforts to impose tariffs on Chinese-made tires and had invested in companies that shipped American jobs to China.

    Obama's campaign upped its celebrity quotient as the two sides claw for any advantage in a tight race: Actor Morgan Freeman's commanding voice narrates a new ad telling voters that Obama has met the nation's challenges and "the last thing we should do is turn back now."

    Tuesday's town hall-style debate at Hofstra University will have an audience of about 80 undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization. Moderator Candy Crowley of CNN will select from among questions on foreign and domestic policy submitted by the audience. The final debate, covering foreign policy, will be Oct. 22 in Boca Raton, Fla.

    Romney spent nearly four hours Saturday morning at a Columbus hotel preparing for the next debate, then boarded his campaign bus for Shawnee State. From there, the Romney bus headed for Lebanon in southwest Ohio.

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by FatDuck View Post
    Your words above serve as an admission that your claim about the Abraham and Doughlas (sic) debate was completely false. If the claim was from somebody else on some radio station, you should annotate that. Don't take credit for something that you have nothing to do with.

    No where on your post that you declared the notes were yours and that you inserted them into an article written by somebody else. It's about the writer's integrity or lack thereof (in this case).The question here is: Do you have the integrity to list the source and inform readers that historical data in the article were not provided by you? Therefore, your analogy to the soup materials is irrelevant.
    When you said " the 9/11 attack killed 3000 American" Anyone asks where the sỏurce of that info?
    When I said "the consulate request more security in 8/12, but no respond..." Do I have to tell you the source of this info.? Do I have credit by saying that?
    Dude, you don't need to add "source" follow a well known event that was publicly published. Don't be so childish boy.

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